Job Bank
Research Specialist I (Lab Manager) – Human Diversity Lab, Department of Psychology, Princeton University
The Department of Psychology at Princeton University is seeking a full-time Research Specialist I (to act as a lab manager) in the Human Diversity Lab, under the supervision of Dr. Kristina Olson. The successful candidate will participate in all aspects of research on...
Assistant Professor – School and Clinical Child Psychology Faculty – Tenure Stream (continuing)
Full job description (click here) Faculty/Division: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Department: Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development Campus: St. George (Downtown Toronto) The Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development (APHD) at...
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Chicago and University of Maryland
Susan Levine (University of Chicago) and Kelly Mix (University of Maryland) are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work on a joint project based at the University of Chicago. The current project investigates how elementary-aged children make sense of visuospatial...
Full-time Research Assistant Position in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience University of Maryland, College Park
Dr. Tracy Riggins in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland College Park is seeking a full-time Research Assistant for a research project examining the role of sleep and brain development on memory during early childhood. This project is in...
Research Assistant – Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
We are currently looking to hire 1 full-time research assistant (RA) to join us at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. We also anticipate posting for additional hires in the spring. The RA will assist with NIMH-funded studies aimed at improving...
Postdoctoral Researcher – Early Childhood Development
The University of Chicago seeks a Postdoctoral Researcher at the rank of Research Associate in basic or applied research on early childhood development from any relevant discipline whose work centers on developmental and/or contextual experiences that promote...
Director of Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Clinic – University of South Carolina
The faculty of the Department of Psychology at the University of South Carolina, Columbia campus, invites applications for one full time clinical faculty position at the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, or Clinical Professor to begin...
Research Assistant – Child Development Lab, University of Maryland
The Child Development Laboratory at the University of Maryland, College Park, ( is searching for a full-time research assistant to work on the national Healthy Brain and Cognitive Development (HBCD) study. Individuals should have solid math...
2024-2025 Psychology Faculty Hire, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning – University of Miami
The Department of Psychology at the University of Miami invites applications for a full-time, tenure-eligible, or tenure-track faculty member to join our department in August 2025. The opening is part of a College of Arts & Sciences cluster hire dedicated to...
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Chicago and University of Maryland
Susan Levine (University of Chicago) and Kelly Mix (University of Maryland) are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work on a joint project based at the University of Chicago. The current project investigates how elementary-aged children make sense of visuospatial...
Assistant Professor in Developmental Science
The Department of Psychology at Tulane University announces a tenure track position at the beginning Assistant Professor level in developmentalscience with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2025. The ideal candidate will have a strong research orientation with the...
Visiting Assistant Professor in Developmental and/or Cognitive Psychology, SUNY Purchase
The Psychology department at Purchase College, SUNY, invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor position in cognitive development or related areas beginning Fall 2025. This position is renewable for a second year. Our department values inclusive research...
Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology
Job Summary Kennesaw State University is now accepting applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position as Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychology in the Department of Psychological Science in the Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences with...

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Position title and description
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Closing date – please note all postings will be removed after a certain period of time