About the Society

The Cognitive Development Society (CDS) was incorporated in September 1999 in order to provide a unified voice for the wide range of scholars, practitioners, and others who are interested in change and continuity in the intellectual processes that support mental life.

Some CDS members are concerned with basic research or theory; others focus on policy issues and practical applications. Our range of interests includes cognitive development during all stages of life, and we seek to understand ontogenetic processes in both humans and nonhumans. Finally, our interests encompass typical as well as atypical development, and we attempt to characterize both biological and cultural influences on cognitive change and continuity.

The Cognitive Development Society has selected the Journal of Cognition and Development as its official journal. The relation is symbiotic in that the journal enhances the field of cognitive development by providing a prestigious forum for innovative research and theory. We look forward to a long and productive interaction with this new journal, and we urge our members to consider it as a showcase for their finest work.


President (2024-2026):

Andrei Cimpian –  New York University

Secretary (2022-2026):

Candice Mills  –  The University of Texas at Dallas

Treasurer (2022-2026):

Pablo Chavajay  – University of New Hampshire

President Elect (2024-2026):

Kristin Shutts – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Past President (2024-2026):

Maureen Callanan – University of California Santa Cruz

Board of Directors

2019 – 2025:

Elizabeth Bonawitz – Harvard University
Kristina Olson – Princeton University


Tara Mandalaywala – University of Massachusetts Amherst
Mahesh Srinivasan – University of California, Berkeley


Judith Danovitch – University of Louisville
Caren Walker – University of California, San Diego

Student Board Members (2024 – 2026)

Maritza Miramontes – University of California, Davis
Katie Vasquez – University of Chicago

Founding Board Members

Steve Reznick (1999-2005)
Judy DeLoache (1999-2001)
Robyn Fivush (1999-2003)
Douglas Frye (1999-2003)
Peter A. Ornstein (1999-2005)
Philip David Zelazo (1999-2005)
Jennifer Coffman (1999-2003) – Student Representative

Past Officers


1999-2001 Steve Reznick

2001-2003 Patricia Bauer

2003-2005 Susan Goldin Meadow

2005-2007 Susan Gelman

2007-2009 Henry Wellman

2009-2011 Nora Newcombe

2011-2013 Judy DeLoache

2013-2015 Amanda Woodward

2015 – 2017 David Uttal

2017 – 2019 Paul Harris


1999-2005 Steve Reznick

2005-2009 Amanda Woodward

2009-2013 Vikram Jaswal

2013-2017 Melissa Koenig


1999-2005 Steve Reznick

2005-2009 Laura Namy

2009-2013 Kelly Mix

2013-2017 David Sobel

Editor, Journal of Cognition and Development:

2000-2004 Philip David Zelazo

2005-2008 Patricia Bauer

2008-2013 Laura Namy

2013-2016 Elaine Reese

2016-2021 Susan Graham

Members of the Board:

Judy DeLoache (1999-2001)

Jennifer Coffman (1999-2003)

Robyn Fivush (1999-2003)

Douglas Frye (1999-2003)

Peter A. Ornstein (1999-2005)

Philip David Zelazo (1999-2005)

David Klahr (2001-2007)

Deanna Kuhn (2001-2007)

Adele Diamond (2003-2009)

Nora Newcombe (2003-2009)

Martha Alibali (2005-2011)

Dare Baldwin (2005-2011)

Lisa Oakes (2007-2013)

Jaqueline Woolley (2007-2013)

David Uttal (2009-2013)

Amanda Woodward (2009-2011)

Patricia Ganea (2011-2015)

Marianella Casasola (2011-2017)

Chuck Kalish (2011-2017)

Mark Sabbagh (2013-2015)

Vikram Jaswal (2013 – 2019)

Amy Needham (2013 – 2019)



Student Board Members

Priscilla San Souci (2005-2007)

Medha Tare (2005-2007)

Amanda Brandone (2007-2009)

Kimberly Turner (2007-2009)

Umaya Suanda (2009-2011)

Alexandra Twyman (2009-2011)

Rachel White (2009-2011)

Robyn Kondrad (2011-2013)

Caren Walker (2011-2013)

Jasmine DeJesus (2013-2015)

Josh Rottman (2013-2015)

Angie Johnston (2015-2017)

Steven Roberts (2015-2017)

Danielle Labotka (2017 – 2019)

Meltem Yucel (2017 – 2019)

Past Plenary Speakers

2019: Nameera Akhtar, Dima Amso, Natasha Cabrera, Kathleen Corriveau, Larisa Heiphetz, Deb Kelemen, Jonathan Lane, Meredith Rowe, Michael Tomasello, Adriana Umana-Taylor

2017: Susan Carey, Stephanie Carlson, Stella Christie, Jacquelynne Eccles, Dedre Gentner, Paul Harris, Susan Hespos, Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Andrew Shtulman, Marjorie Taylor

2015: Carol Dweck, Janet Werker, Cristine Legare, Geoff Saxe, Sandra Waxman, Catherine Haden, Susan Levine, Kelly Mix, Vladimir Sloutsky

2013: Morton Gernsbacher, Renee Baillargeon

2011: Lynn Nadel, Laurence D. Steinberg

2009: Michael Tomasello, Josh Tenenbaum

2007: Patricia Kuhl, Rob Goldstone

2005: Helen Neville, Elizabeth Spelke

2003: Judy DeLoache, Richard J. Davidson

2001: Robert Siegler, Joan Stiles

1999: John Flavell, Gilbert Gottleib, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Nora Newcombe

From the Archives

Check out some of our historical documents and read about the history of CDS. Check back for more history coming soon!

1999 Conference schedule

See the schedule from the very first CDS meeting that took place in 1999!

History of CDS

History of the Cognitive Development Society: The First 16 Years

Articles of Incorporation

View the original CDS articles of incorporation!